In today’s data-driven world, the ability to transform complex data into a compelling narrative is a crucial skill. Whether you are a business analyst, marketer, or researcher, effectively communicating data insights can set you apart and drive meaningful impact. This is where the book “Storytelling with Data” by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic comes into play.

Here i want to share summary of the go-to book for data visualization. This slide i created with my colleague Muslikh back when we were on GDP Labs, we also had a chance to share the slide to our team. Me personally shared this slide again 2 times during my tenure at Aruna, one for the internal data team and the other for broaden audience with various background across company.

Table of contents :

  1. the importance of context
  2. choosing an effective visual
  3. clutter is your enemy
  4. focus on your audience attention
  5. think like a designer
  6. lessons in storytelling
  7. implementation: OKR dashboard (skipped)

I really recommend a data practitioner or everyone who has interest in data visualization or stroytelling to read this book.